Terms & Conditions

Instructions Acceptance:

By continuing to provide instructions, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these Terms & Conditions.

Help Plan Fees:
Consultation: Telephone Consultation is fixed for 60 minutes. Case Review: Telephone Consultation, coupled with a comprehensive review encompassing all pertinent paperwork, orders, and correspondence to date. Case Management: Assistance leading up to your first or next hearing, inclusive of a 1-hour Case Review followed by a 1-hour call prior to the hearing. Telephone Consultations, Case Review, and Case Management bookings are handled on a first-come, first-served basis, contingent upon availability and court schedules. Telephone Consultations are strictly confidential and last for 60 minutes. Rescheduling necessitates a 24-hour notice period.

Scope of Services:
As a Litigant In Person (LIP), you represent yourself with our support. Access 2 Children provides assistance to individuals in the United Kingdom specifically within our area of expertise: securing equal parenting rights and fostering ongoing relationships with children following family break-ups. We are committed to guiding and supporting you to the best of our abilities as you navigate the family court system.

Each plan includes specific services tailored to meet your needs. Any limitations or exclusions will be outlined upon engagement.

Communication Channels:
We prefer communication via email for non-urgent matters, with a commitment to respond within 24hrs. For urgent inquiries outside of regular office hours, please refer to the emergency contact information provided.

Emergency Contact Information:
In case of emergencies outside of our regular office hours, please contact your caseworker between 08:00 – 20:00. We will endeavour to answer calls after these hours but cannot guarantee this.

Updates and Progress Reports:
You can expect regular updates on the progress of your case, including milestone achievements and significant developments.

Updates will be provided upon reaching milestones.

Additional Fees or Expenses:
Any additional fees or expenses beyond the agreed-upon services will be communicated to you in advance. These may include costs of legal representation and will be incurred only under exceptional circumstances with your prior approval.

Dispute Resolution:
In the event of a dispute, we are committed to resolving it in a fair and timely manner. If you have any concerns or disagreements, please follow our dispute resolution process or escalation process. Complaints must be submitted in writing to help@access2children.org, allowing for a response within 28 days.

Client Responsibilities:
As a client, you are responsible for providing accurate information, adhering to deadlines, and cooperating with our team throughout the duration of the service. Failure to fulfil these responsibilities may impact the progress of your case.

Data Protection and Confidentiality:
We are committed to protecting your privacy and confidentiality in accordance with relevant data protection laws. Your personal information will be handled securely and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except as required by law.

By engaging in our services, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses arising from or related to the services provided.

Our liability is capped at the total fees paid under the agreement, ensuring your protection and peace of mind.

We do not offer legal advice. Our services are intended to provide support and assistance in navigating legal processes, but clients are encouraged to seek independent legal advice for specific legal matters. We believe that including these additional points will enhance clarity, transparency, and protection for both parties involved in the agreement. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Payment Policy:
Given our limited capacity, accepting an instruction necessitates the prioritisation of support to the client in question over others. Should a case be booked and subsequently terminated, refunds will not be provided.